#HHBE Announces Early Bird Tickets

#HHBE Announces Early Bird Tickets

- ⏱1 min read -


With numerous requests from patrons, early bird tickets for the October 7-8, 2023 staging of The Healthy Hair & Beauty (#HHBE) to be held at The Jamaica Pegasus Hotel is now available at www.HealthyHairandBeautyExpo.com.


Limited Early Bird tickets will be available online only. Prices for 1-Day Tickets are USD$5/JMD$800 and 2-Day Weekend Tickets are USD$9/JMD$1500 plus taxes and currency conversions may vary based on the USD rate of exchange. These tickets will be available from July 27 to August 7, 2023 or whilst stock last.


Tickets for early bird are normally sold out before the stipulated end date and consumers are urged to get tickets early to not miss out on these discounted prices. A #HHBE early bird ticket is equivalent to a general admission ticket, which provides consumers access to shop, demonstrations, speakers, giveaways, fun and the coveted #HHBE Swag Bag which is given on a first come first serve basis for both days of the event.


Ticket prices will increase on August 8, 2023 to USD$8/JMD$1000 and USD$12/JMD$1800 for 1-Day & 2-Day respectively on #HHBE’s website. Ticket outlets will also be stocked and announcements made, of where consumers will be able to access physical #HHBE tickets. 


#HHBEBeauties and #HHBEGents are encouraged to stay tuned to all platforms @HealthyHairBeautyExpo and sign up for email notifications and alerts to get exclusive insights on all things #HHBE.


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